2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
60011000.00 “Long pile” fabrics,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 130%  --
60012100.00 Looped pile fabrics of cotton,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 70%  Compare-60011000.00
60012200.00 Looped pile fabrics of man-made fibres,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60012100.00
60012900.00 Looped pile fabrics of other textile materials,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60012200.00
60019100.00 Terry fabrics of cotton,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 70%  Compare-60012900.00
60019200.00 Terry fabrics of man-made fibres,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60019100.00
60019900.00 Pile fabrics of other textile materials,knitted or crocheted meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60019200.00
60024010.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton, with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn but not containing rubber thread meter/kilogram 70%  Compare-60019900.00
60024020.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of silk or spun silk ,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn but not containing rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60024010.00
60024030.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibres,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn but not containing rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60024020.00
60024040.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial fibres,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn but not containing rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60024030.00
60024090.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of other textile materials,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn but not containing rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60024040.00
60029010.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 70%  Compare-60024090.00
60029020.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of silk or spun silk ,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60029010.00
60029030.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibres,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60029020.00
60029040.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial fibres,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60029030.00
60029090.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of other textile materials,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing 5% or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60029040.00
60031000.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of wool or fine animal hair,with a width not exceeding 30cm, containing less than 5% by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60029090.00
60032000.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton,of a width not exceeding 30cm,containing less than 5% by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 70%  Compare-60031000.00
60033000.00 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fiber,of a width not exceeding 30cm,containing less than 5% by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-60032000.00