2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HTS Code 05100090.90 05100090.10
Article Description Bile, glands and other animal products used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, whether or not dried, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved Bile and other products of endangered wild animals, products whether or not dried, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved
Unit of Quantity(I/II) kilogram/- kilogram/-
MFN (Most-favored Nation) 6% 6%
Gen (General Tariff Rate) 20% 20%
Provisional Import tariff -- --
Export tariff -- --
Export Tax Rebate 9.0% 0.0%
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax) 9% 9%
Consumption Tax 0 0
Regulations & Restrictions AB AFEB
Inspection & Quarantine P/Q P/Q