2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HTS Code 29315900.50 29315900.60
Article Description N- {1- [dialkyl (carbon chain of less than or equal to ten carbon atoms, including naphthenes) amine] alkyl (hydrogen, carbon chain of less than or equal to ten carbon atoms, including naphthenes)} -p-alkyl (carbon chain of less than or equal to ten carbon atoms, including naphthenes) fluorophosphonamide and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts [bis (diethylamine) methylene] methylfluorophosphonamide (CAS:2387496-14-0)
Unit of Quantity(I/II) kilogram/- kilogram/-
MFN (Most-favored Nation) 6.5% 6.5%
Gen (General Tariff Rate) 30 30
Provisional Import tariff -- --
Export tariff 0 0
Export Tax Rebate 9/13 9/13
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax) 13 13
Consumption Tax -- --
Regulations & Restrictions 23 23
Inspection & Quarantine -- --