2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HTS Code 84169000.00 84171000.00
Article Description Parts of mechanical stokers, furnace burners , including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances , Furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other heattreatment of ores,pyrites or of metals
Unit of Quantity(I/II) kilogram/- set/kilogram
MFN (Most-favored Nation) 6% 6%
Gen (General Tariff Rate) 35% 35%
Provisional Import tariff - -
Export tariff - -
Export Tax Rebate 13% 13%
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax) 13% 13%
Consumption Tax 0% 0%
Regulations & Restrictions -- 6
Inspection & Quarantine -- --