2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
15131100.00 Crude coconut(copra)oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 40%  AB M/P/R/Q/S --
15131900.00 Other coconut(copra)oil and its fractions(including fractions of crude coconut(copra)oil, not chemicallly modified) kilogram/- 40%  AB M/P/R/Q/S Compare-15131100.00
15132100.00 Crude palm kernel or babassu oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 40%  AB M/P/R/Q/S Compare-15131900.00
15132900.00 Other palm kernel or babassu oil (including fractions thereof , not chemicallly modified) kilogram/- 40%  AB M/R/S Compare-15132100.00