2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)
HS CODE | Commodity Name | Unit | Duty | Regulations | Quarantine | Compare |
15179090.01 | Edible mixtures of animal fats or oils or products (other than edible fats or oil or their fractions of heading No.15.16) | kilogram/- | 70% | AB | R/S | -- |
15179090.02 | Other mixed vegetable oils or products (other than edible oils, fats and their fractions of heading 1516) | kilogram/- | 70 | AB | R/S | Compare-15179090.01 |
15179090.03 | Other mixed microbial-based edible oils or products | kilogram/- | 70 | AB | R/S | Compare-15179090.02 |