2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
22041000.00 Sparkling wine liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S --
22042100.00 Other wine of fresh grapes, in containers holding 2L or less liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S Compare-22041000.00
22042200.00 Other wine of fresh grapes, in containers holding more than 2L ,but no less than 10L liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S Compare-22042100.00
22042900.00 Other wine of fresh grapes, in containers holding more than 2L liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S Compare-22042200.00
22043000.00 Other grape must other than that of heading No.20.09 liter/kilogram 90%  AB R/S Compare-22042900.00