2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
27111100.00 Liquefied natural gas kilogram/- 20%  4ABxy M/N --
27111200.00 Liquid Propane kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N Compare-27111100.00
27111310.00 Liquefied butanes in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity exceeding 300cm3 kilogram/- 80%  Compare-27111200.00
27111390.00 Other liquefied butane kilogram/- 20%  Compare-27111310.00
27111400.10 Liquefied ethylene kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N Compare-27111390.00
27111400.90 Liquefied ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene kilogram/- 20%  Compare-27111400.10
27111910.00 Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity exceeding 300cm3 kilogram/- 80%  Compare-27111400.90
27111990.10 Other liquefied petroleum gases kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N Compare-27111910.00
27111990.90 Other liquefied gaseous hydrocarbons kilogram/- 20%  Compare-27111990.10
27112100.00 Natural gas, in gaseous tate kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N Compare-27111990.90
27112900.10 Other petroleum gases , in gaseous state kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N Compare-27112100.00
27112900.90 Other gaseous hydrocarbons, in gaseous state kilogram/- 20%  Compare-27112900.10