28051100.00 |
Sodium |
kilogram/- |
30% |
AB |
M/N |
-- |
28051200.10 |
High-purity calcium, metal impurity(other than Magnesium)< 1‰, containing less than1/105 by weight of boron |
kilogram/- |
30% |
3A |
M |
Compare-28051100.00 |
28051200.90 |
Other calcium |
kilogram/- |
30% |
Compare-28051200.10 |
28051910.00 |
Lithium |
kilogram/- |
30% |
AB |
M/N |
Compare-28051200.90 |
28051990.00 |
Other alkali or alkaline-earth metals |
kilogram/- |
30% |
Compare-28051910.00 |
28053011.00 |
Neodymium, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28051990.00 |
28053012.00 |
Dysprosium, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053011.00 |
28053013.00 |
Terbium, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053012.00 |
28053014.00 |
Lanthanum, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053013.00 |
28053015.10 |
Cerium and its alloys, granularity<500 μm, containing more than 97% by weight of cerium, whether in the form of spheroid, ellipsoid, flakes,atomized or pulverized metallic fuel |
kilogram/- |
30% |
34B |
N |
Compare-28053014.00 |
28053015.90 |
Other Cerium metal, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053015.10 |
28053016.00 |
Praseodymium metal, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053015.90 |
28053017.00 |
Yttrium metal, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053016.00 |
28053018.00 |
scandium |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053017.00 |
28053019.00 |
Other rare-earth metal, not intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053018.00 |
28053021.00 |
Rare-earth metal, scandiun and yttrium, intermixed or interalloyed, battery grade |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053019.00 |
28053029.00 |
Rare-earth metal, scandiun and yttrium, intermixed or interalloyed |
kilogram/- |
30% |
4Bxy |
N |
Compare-28053021.00 |
28054000.00 |
Mercury |
kilogram/- |
17% |
M/N |
Compare-28053029.00 |