2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
28459000.01 Deuterium and its compounds excluding heavy water, other boron compounds and mixtures with >20% boron-10 isotope content, other enriched lithium-6 isotopes and their compounds/mixtures [enriched lithium-6 isotopes refer to those with a >7.5% enrichment (by atomic number)] gram/- 30%  3 --
28459000.40 A mixture containing helium-3 gram/million Bq 30%  3 Compare-28459000.01
28459000.50 Anti cancer drug raw materials (tosylate donafenib), deuterated butyrazine gram/- 30%  Compare-28459000.40
28459000.60 Anti cancer drug raw materials (tosylate donafenib), deuterated butyrazine gram/- 30%  Compare-28459000.50
28459000.90 Other isotopes and other compounds (other than those of heading No.28.44) gram/- 30%  Compare-28459000.60