2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
29081100.00 Pentachlorophenol(ISO) kilogram/- 30%  89AB M/N --
29081910.00 p-Chlorophenol kilogram/- 11%  Compare-29081100.00
29081990.10 Acaricide, dichlorophenol kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29081910.00
29081990.23 Sodium pentachlorophenate kilogram/- 30%  89S Compare-29081990.10
29081990.24 Sodium pentachlorophenate hydrate kilogram/- 30  89 Compare-29081990.23
29081990.90 Other derivatives containing only halogen substituents and their salts kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29081990.24
29089100.00 Dinoseb(ISO)and its salts kilogram/- 30%  89 Compare-29081990.90
29089200.00 4, 6-Dinitro-o-cresol[DNOC(ISO)]and its salts kilogram/- 30%  89 Compare-29089100.00
29089910.10 4- Nitrophenol(p-nitrophenol) kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29089200.00
29089910.90 Sodium para-nitrophenolate kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29089910.10
29089990.10 Fenbutatin oxide, acaricidal phenol, pentachlorophenol, tebuconazole, copper naphthenate kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29089910.90
29089990.30 Picric acid (2,4,6-trinitrophenol) kilogram/- 30%  k Compare-29089990.10
29089990.90 Other Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenolalcohols kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29089990.30