2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
31010011.00 Guano, not chemically treated kilogram/- 11%  AB P/Q --
31010019.10 Forest litter, not chemically treated, including rotten leaves, rotten roots, bark, leaves, roots and forest humus kilogram/- 30%  8AB P/Q Compare-31010011.00
31010019.90 Other animal and vegetable fertilizer, not chemically treated kilogram/- 30%  AB P/Q Compare-31010019.10
31010090.20 Animal or vegetable litter, chemically treated, including rotten leaves, rotten roots, bark, leaves, roots and forest humus kilogram/- 11%  8AB P/Q Compare-31010019.90
31010090.90 Other animal or vegetable fertilizer, chemically treated kilogram/- 11%  AB P/Q Compare-31010090.20