2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
38231100.00 Stearic acid kilogram/- 50%  --
38231200.00 Oleic acid kilogram/- 50%  A R Compare-38231100.00
38231300.00 Tall oil fatty acids kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231200.00
38231900.01 Plant acid oil (refers to the refined acid oil only) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231300.00
38231900.02 Deodorizing distillate of vegetable oil (DD oil) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231900.01
38231900.90 Other monocarboxylic fatty acids for industrial use and acid oil (refers to the refined acid oil only) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231900.02
38237000.00 Industrial fatty alcohols kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231900.90