2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
44031100.10 Yew logs,such as paint,colorant and the like kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q --
44031100.20 Paints,colorants and other treatment of conifer logs kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44031100.10
44031100.90 Other paints,colorants and other processed softwood logs kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44031100.20
44031200.10 Paints,colorants and other endangered non-softwood logs kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44031100.90
44031200.90 Other paints,colorants,etc. Processed non-softwood logs kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44031200.10
44032110.10 Korean Pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44031200.90
44032110.90 Pinus sylvestris wood with a cross-section of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032110.10
44032120.00 Radiata pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032110.90
44032190.10 Endangered pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032120.00
44032190.90 Other pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032190.10
44032210.10 Korean pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm or less kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032190.90
44032210.90 Pinus sylvestris wood with a cross-section of 15 cm or less kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032210.10
44032220.00 Radiata pine logs with cross-section dimensions below 15 cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032210.90
44032290.10 Endangered other pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm or less kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032220.00
44032290.90 Other pine logs with a cross-section of 15 cm or less kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032290.10
44032300.10 Endangered spruce and fir logs with cross-sections of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032290.90
44032300.90 Other spruce and fir logs with cross-sections of 15 cm and up kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032300.10
44032400.10 Endangered spruce and fir logs with cross-sections below 15 cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032300.90
44032400.90 Other spruce and fir logs with a cross-section of 15 cm or less kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032400.10
44032510.00 Larch logs with minimum section size of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032400.90