2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
46021100.00 Basketwork and other articles of bamboo kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q --
46021200.00 Basketwork and other articles of rattan kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q Compare-46021100.00
46021910.00 Basketwork and other articles of grass or straw kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q Compare-46021200.00
46021920.00 Basketwork and other articles of maize-shuck kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q Compare-46021910.00
46021930.00 Basketwork and other articles of osier kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q Compare-46021920.00
46021990.00 Basketwork and other articles of other vegetable materials kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q Compare-46021930.00
46029000.00 Other articles of other plaiting materials(other than vegetable materials) kilogram/- 100%  Compare-46021990.00