2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
55041010.00 viscose rayon of bamboo, not carded and combed (including those without additional processing before spinning) kilogram/- 35%  --
55041021.00 viscose rayon of wood, antiflaming, not carded and combed (including those without additional processing before spinning) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-55041010.00
55041029.00 Other not flame retardancy viscose staple fiber of wood,non-carded kilogram/- 35%  Compare-55041021.00
55041090.00 Other staple fibres of viscose rayon , not carded and combed (including not otherwise processed for spinning) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-55041029.00
55049000.00 Other artificial staple fibres, not carded and combed (including not otherwise processed for spinning) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-55041090.00