2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
62059090.11 Men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,without specially made collar,including boys' size 8-18,cotton limit in piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ --
62059090.19 Men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,cotton or man-made fibres limit in piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.11
62059090.21 Men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,without specially made collar,including boys' size 8-18,wool limit in piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.19
62059090.29 Men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,wool or man-made fibres limit in piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.21
62059090.31 Men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,without specially made collar,including boys' size 8-18,man-made fibres limit in piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.29
62059090.39 Other men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,man-made fibres limit in piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.31
62059090.91 Men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,without specially made collar,including boys' size 8-18,not elsewhere specified or included piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.39
62059090.99 Other men's or boys' shirts of other textile materials,not elsewhere specified or included piece/kilogram 100%  A M/ Compare-62059090.91