2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
64051010.00 Other footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of composition leather kilogram/pair 100%  --
64051090.10 Other footwear with uppers of leather of wild animals, outer soles of materials other than rubber, plastics ,leather or composition leather kilogram/pair 100%  EF Compare-64051010.00
64051090.90 Other footwear with uppers of leather or composition leather, outer soles of materials other than rubber, plastics,leather or composition leather kilogram/pair 100%  Compare-64051090.10
64052000.10 Footwear with innner soles and uppers of wool felt, outer soles of materials other than rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather kilogram/pair 100%  Compare-64051090.90
64052000.90 Other footwear with uppers of textile materials, outer soles of materials other than rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather kilogram/pair 100%  Compare-64052000.10
64059010.00 Other footwear with outher soles of rubber,plastics,leather or composition leather, uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather and textile materials kilogram/pair 100%  Compare-64052000.90
64059090.00 Other footwear with outer soles of other materials(other than rubber,plastics,leather or composition leather), uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather and textile materials kilogram/pair 100%  Compare-64059010.00