2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
64061000.10 Uppers and parts thereof, containing leather of wild animals kilogram/piece 90%  FE --
64061000.90 Other uppers and parts thereof, excluding stiffeners and felt articles kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64061000.10
64062010.00 Out soles and heels of rubber kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64061000.90
64062020.00 Out soles and heels of plastics kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64062010.00
64069010.00 Parts of footwear of wood, removable inner soles, (including heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof) kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64062020.00
64069091.00 Parts of removable in-soles, heel cushions gaiters, and parts thereof, of other materials kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64069010.00
64069092.00 Parts of leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof, of other materials kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64069091.00
64069099.00 Parts of footwear of other materials kilogram/piece 90%  Compare-64069092.00