2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
71061011.00 Powder not flake ,average diameter less than 3μm gram/- 0%  4xy --
71061019.00 Powder not flake ,average diameter ≥3μm gram/- 0%  4xy Compare-71061011.00
71061021.00 Powder not flake, average diameter less than 10μm gram/- 0%  4xy Compare-71061019.00
71061029.00 Other powder not flake, average diameter ≥10μm gram/- 0%  4xy Compare-71061021.00
71069110.00 Unwrought silver of a purity ≥99.99 %(including silver plated with gold or platinum) gram/- 0%  4xy Compare-71061029.00
71069190.00 Other unwrought silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum) gram/- 0%  4xy Compare-71069110.00
71069210.00 Silver(including silver plated with gold or platinum), in semi- manufactured forms, of a purity ≥99.99 % gram/- 50%  4xy Compare-71069190.00
71069290.00 Other silver(including silver plated with gold or platinum), in semi- manufactured forms gram/- 50%  4xy Compare-71069210.00