2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
71123010.00 Ash of silver or silver compounds,(of a kind used principally for the recycling silverl) gram/- 50%  9 --
71123090.00 Other ash of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; (of a kind used principally for recycling silverl) gram/- 50%  9 Compare-71123010.00
71129110.00 Gold and scrap materials for gold packaging gram/- 0%  9 Compare-71123090.00
71129120.00 Waste and scrap with gold or gold compounds,but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals, of a kind used principally for recycling gold gram/- 35%  9 Compare-71129110.00
71129210.00 Waste and scrap of platinum or platinum compounds, but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals gram/- 0%  49xy Compare-71129120.00
71129220.01 Other waste and scraps containing 3% or more of platinum, but excluding sweepings containg other precious metals, used principally for recycling platinum gram/- 35%  4xy Compare-71129210.00
71129220.90 Other waste and scraps containing platinum, but excluding sweepings containg other precious metals, used principally for recycling platinum gram/- 35%  4xy Compare-71129220.01
71129910.00 Waste and scrap containing silver or silver compounds(used for recycling silver) gram/- 35%  9 Compare-71129220.90
71129920.00 Waste and scrap with other precious metals,(used for recycling other precious metals) gram/- 35%  9 Compare-71129910.00
71129990.00 Other waste and scrap with other precious metals(used for recycling other precious metals) gram/- 50%  Compare-71129920.00