2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
72041000.10 Waste and scrap of cast iron kilogram/- 8%  A M --
72041000.90 Waste and scrap of cast iron kilogram/- 8%  9A M Compare-72041000.10
72042100.10 Waste and scrap of stainless steel kilogram/- 8%  A M Compare-72041000.90
72042100.90 Waste and scrap of stainless steel kilogram/- 8%  9A M Compare-72042100.10
72042900.10 Other waste and scrap of alloy steel kilogram/- 8%  A M Compare-72042100.90
72042900.90 Other waste and scrap of alloy steel kilogram/- 8%  9A M Compare-72042900.10
72043000.00 Waste and scrap of canned iron or steel kilogram/- 8%  9 Compare-72042900.90
72044100.10 Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles kilogram/- 8%  A M Compare-72043000.00
72044100.90 Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles kilogram/- 8%  9A M Compare-72044100.10
72044900.30 Compressed auto body kilogram/- 8%  A M Compare-72044100.90
72044900.40 Scrap automobile stamped parts, waste hardware and electrical appliances mainly composed of recycled steel kilogram/- 8%  9 Compare-72044900.30
72044900.90 Ferrous waste and scrap, not elsewhere specifiled or included kilogram/- 8%  9A M Compare-72044900.40
72045000.00 Remelting scrap ingots of iron steel kilogram/- 8%  9 Compare-72044900.90