2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
72261100.10 Oriented electrical steel with a width less than 600 millimeters kilogram/- 20%  --
72261100.90 Other oriented silicon electric steels with a width less than 600 millimeters kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72261100.10
72261900.00 Other grain (of a width of less than 600mm:) kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72261100.90
72262000.00 Flat-rolled products of steel, of a width of less than 600mm ,of high speed steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72261900.00
72269110.00 Tool steel, of a width less than 600mm, not further worked than hot-rolled kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72262000.00
72269191.00 Alloy steel containing boron,of a width less than 600mm, not further worked than hot-rolled kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269110.00
72269199.00 Other kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269191.00
72269200.00 Other flat products of other alloy steel, of a width less than 600mm ,not further worked than cold-rolled(cold- reduced) kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269199.00
72269910.00 Other flat products of other alloy steel, of a width less than 600mm , electrolytically plated or coated with zinc kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269200.00
72269920.00 Other flat products of other alloy steel, of a width less than 600mm , otherwise plated or coated with zinc kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269910.00
72269990.01 Flat-rolled products of Fe-Ni alloy steel(of a width of less than 600mm, used for manufacturing the frame for electronic integrated circuits) kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269920.00
72269990.90 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of less than 600mm kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72269990.01