2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
72271000.00 Bars and rods,hot-rolled,in irregularly wound coils,of high speed steel kilogram/- 20%  M/ --
72272000.00 Bars and rods,hot-rolled,in irregularly wound coils,of silicon-manganese steel kilogram/- 20%  M/ Compare-72271000.00
72279010.00 Bars and rods,hot-rolled,in irregularly wound coils,of boron alloy steel kilogram/- 20%  M/ Compare-72272000.00
72279091.00 Hot rolled bars of other alloy steel,irregularly coiled,of circular cross-section kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72279010.00
72279099.00 Hot-rolled bars of other alloy steel,irregularly coiled,except those with circular section kilogram/- 20%  Compare-72279091.00