2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
85321000.00 Fixed capacitors designed for use in 50/60 Hz circuits and having a reactive power handling capacity of not less than 0.5kVar(power capacitors) kilogram/thousand pieces 20%  --
85322110.00 Laminate tantalum capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85321000.00
85322190.00 Other tantalum capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322110.00
85322210.00 Laminate Aluminium electrolytic capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322190.00
85322290.00 Other Aluminium electrolytic capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322210.00
85322300.00 Ceramic dielectric, single layer capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322290.00
85322410.00 Laminate Ceramic dielectric, multi layer capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322300.00
85322490.00 Other Ceramic dielectric, multi layer capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322410.00
85322510.00 Laminate dielectric of paper or plastics capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322490.00
85322590.00 Other dielectric of paper or plastics capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322510.00
85322900.00 Other fixed capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322590.00
85323000.00 Variable or adjustable(pre-set)capacitors kilogram/thousand pieces 35%  Compare-85322900.00
85329010.00 Parts Of the capacitors of subheading No. 8532.1000 kilogram/- 20%  Compare-85323000.00
85329090.00 Parts of Other capacitors (other than parts of the capacitors of subheading No. 8532.1000) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-85329010.00