2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
86040011.00 Inspection vehicles for tunnel clearance (whether or not selfpropelled) unit/kilogram 14%  --
86040012.00 Sanding vehicles for on-line rails (whether or not selfpropelled) unit/kilogram 14%  Compare-86040011.00
86040019.00 Other railway or tramway testing coaches and track inspection vehicles (whether or not selfpropelled) unit/kilogram 14%  Compare-86040012.00
86040091.00 Installing vehicles for suspension of contact wire(running on rails)(whether or not selfpropelled) unit/kilogram 20%  Compare-86040019.00
86040099.00 Other railway or tramway maintenance vehicles (including service vehicles, whether or not selfpropelled) unit/kilogram 20%  Compare-86040091.00