2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
86061000.00 Railway Tank wagons and the like, not selfpropelled (including tramway, but excluding the railway tank of liquid gas, with volume of 50 cubic meters) unit/kilogram 14%  --
86063000.00 Railway Self-discharging vans and wagons, not selfpropelled, including tramway, but other than those of subheading No.8606.1000 unit/kilogram 14%  Compare-86061000.00
86069100.00 Railway Covered and closed vans and wagons, not selfpropelled (including tramway) unit/kilogram 14%  Compare-86063000.00
86069200.00 Railway Open, with non-removable sides of a height exceeding 60 cm vans and wagons (including tramway) unit/kilogram 14%  Compare-86069100.00
86069900.00 Other vans and wagons not listed in heading No.84.51 unit/kilogram 14%  Compare-86069200.00