2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
88021100.00 Helicopter with an unloaded weight of ≤ 2 tons set/kilogram 11%  O --
88021210.00 Helicopters Of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg but not exceeding 7000 kg set/kilogram 11%  O Compare-88021100.00
88021220.00 Helicopters of an unladen weight exceeding 7000 kg set/kilogram 11%  O Compare-88021210.00
88022000.00 Aircraft and other aircraft with an unloaded weight of ≤ 2 tons set/kilogram 11%  O Compare-88021220.00
88023000.00 Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg but not exceeding 15000 kg set/kilogram 11%  O Compare-88022000.00
88024010.00 Large aeroplanes and other aircraft(Large aeroplanes, 15000kg<an unladen weight≤45000kg) set/kilogram 11%  O Compare-88023000.00
88024020.00 Aeroplanes and other aircraft Of an unladen weight exceeding 45000 kg set/kilogram 11%  O Compare-88024010.00
88026000.10 Communication satellite set/kilogram 11%  Compare-88024020.00
88026000.90 Spacecraft(including satellites,other than communication satellite)and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles set/kilogram 11%  Compare-88026000.10