2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
90151010.00 Laser radar set/kilogram 14%  --
90151090.00 Other range finders set/kilogram 14%  Compare-90151010.00
90152000.00 Theodolites and tachymeters(tacheometers) set/kilogram 14%  Compare-90151090.00
90153000.00 Levels set/kilogram 14%  Compare-90152000.00
90154000.00 Photogrammetrical surveying instruments and appliances set/kilogram 14%  Compare-90153000.00
90158000.10 Airborne or ship-borne gravity meters (with an accuracy of 1 mgal or higher,steady-state recording time ≤2 minutes) set/kilogram 14%  3 Compare-90154000.00
90158000.20 Airborne or ship-borne gravity gradiometers (with an accuracy of 1 mgal or higher,steady-state recording time ≤2 minutes) set/kilogram 14%  3 Compare-90158000.10
90158000.90 Other measuring instruments and devices set/kilogram 14%  Compare-90158000.20
90159000.10 Parts and components of airborne or ship-borne gravity meters and gradiometers kilogram/- 14%  3 Compare-90158000.90
90159000.90 Parts and components of other geodetic measuring instruments and devices kilogram/- 14%  Compare-90159000.10