2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
90312000.10 Gyro run-in/motor test stations set/kilogram 17%  3 --
90312000.20 Accelerometer test stations set/kilogram 17%  3 Compare-90312000.10
90312000.30 Test benches (which have the capacity to handle solid or liquid propellant rocket motors of more than 90 kN of thrust, or which are capable of simultaneously measuring the three axial thrust components) set/kilogram 17%  3 Compare-90312000.20
90312000.40 Test tables for inertial platform (including high-accuracy centrifuges and rotating table) set/kilogram 17%  3 Compare-90312000.30
90312000.90 Other test benches set/kilogram 17%  Compare-90312000.40