2024 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(April 1, 2024 NEW)

HTS Code 1702.90.219 1702.90.219
Article Description 3 Artificial honey and Caramel - Other
Unit of Quantity(I/II) --/-- --/KG
Tariff rate General 50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater --
Tariff rate Temporary -- --
Tariff rate WTO (50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater) 29.8% or 23 yen/kg, whichever is the greater
Tariff rate GSP -- --
Tariff rate LDC Free Free
JP-US Trade Agreement **1 -- --
Law -- PA SP FD
Tariff rate (EPA)
Singapore -- --
Mexico -- --
Malaysia -- --
Chile -- --
Thailand -- --
Indonesia -- --
Brunei -- --
ASEAN -- --
Philippines -- --
Switzerland -- --
Viet Nam -- --
India -- --
Peru -- --
Australia -- --
Mongolia -- --
TPP11 (CPTPP) -- For the Pooled Quota Free Other than for the Pooled Quota 29.8% or 23 yen/kg, whichever is the greater
EU -- For the Pooled Quota Free
UK -- Subject to Preferential Import Certificate Free
ASEAN/Australia/New Zealand(RCEP) -- --
China(RCEP) -- --
Korea(RCEP) -- --