2025 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(January 1, 2025 NEW)

HTS Code 1901.90.249 1901.90.249
Article Description 1 Food preparations of flour, meal or starch, which contain more than 85% by weight of flour, groats, meal and pellets of rice, wheat, triticale or barley, starch, or any combination thereof, excluding cake-mixes and a kind used as food suitable for infants or young children or dietetic purpose; mochi(rice-cake), dango and similar rice products, excluding a kind used as food suitable for infants or young children or dietetic purpose; food preparations of goods of headings 04.01 to 04.04 (preparations containing not less than 30% of natural milk constituents by weight, calculated on the dry matter, excluding whipped cream in pressurized containers) (1) Food preparations of goods of headings 04.01 to 04.04, containing not less than 30% of natural milk constituents by weight, calculated on the dry matter, excluding whipped cream in pressurized containers
Unit of Quantity(I/II) --/-- --/--
Tariff rate General -- --
Tariff rate Temporary -- --
Tariff rate WTO -- --
Tariff rate GSP -- --
Tariff rate LDC -- --
JP-US Trade Agreement **1 -- --
Law -- --
Tariff rate (EPA)
Singapore -- --
Mexico -- --
Malaysia -- --
Chile -- --
Thailand -- --
Indonesia -- --
Brunei -- --
ASEAN -- --
Philippines -- --
Switzerland -- --
Viet Nam -- --
India -- --
Peru -- --
Australia -- --
Mongolia -- --
TPP11 (CPTPP) -- --
EU -- --
UK -- --
ASEAN/Australia/New Zealand(RCEP) -- --
China(RCEP) -- --
Korea(RCEP) -- --