2025 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(January 1, 2025 NEW)

HTS Code 4101.20 4101.20
Article Description 1 Of which have undergone a chrome tanning (including pre-tanning) process which is reversible, or of which have not yet undergone any tanning process Whole hides and skins, unsplit, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 16 kg when fresh, wet-salted or otherwise preserved
Unit of Quantity(I/II) --/-- --/--
Tariff rate General Free --
Tariff rate Temporary -- --
Tariff rate WTO -- --
Tariff rate GSP -- --
Tariff rate LDC -- --
JP-US Trade Agreement **1 -- --
Law -- --
Tariff rate (EPA)
Singapore -- --
Mexico -- --
Malaysia -- --
Chile -- --
Thailand -- --
Indonesia -- --
Brunei -- --
ASEAN -- --
Philippines -- --
Switzerland -- --
Viet Nam -- --
India -- --
Peru -- --
Australia -- --
Mongolia -- --
TPP11 (CPTPP) -- --
EU -- --
UK -- --
ASEAN/Australia/New Zealand(RCEP) -- --
China(RCEP) -- --
Korea(RCEP) -- --