NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Heading Duty(general) Duty(china) Article Description Compare Code
4301     Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use), other than raw hides and skins of heading 4101, 4102 or 4103: --
4301.10.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of mink, whole, with or without head, tail or paws vs-4301
4301.10.00.10 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Wild vs-43011000
4301.10.00.20 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Other vs-4301100010
4301.30.00.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 15%  Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lamb, whole, with or without head, tail or paws vs-4301100020
4301.60     Of fox, whole, with or without head, tail or paws: vs-4301300000
4301.60.30.00 5.1%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of silver, black or platinum fox (including those of any fox which is a mutation, or type developed, from silver, black or platinum foxes) vs-430160
4301.60.60.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Other vs-4301603000
4301.80.02 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Other furskins, whole, with or without head, tail or paws vs-4301606000
4301.80.02.01 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of hare vs-43018002
4301.80.02.02 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of rabbit vs-4301800201
4301.80.02.03 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of beaver vs-4301800202
4301.80.02.04 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of muskrat vs-4301800203
4301.80.02.10 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of nutria vs-4301800204
4301.80.02.20 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of lynx vs-4301800210
4301.80.02.40 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of marten vs-4301800220
4301.80.02.60 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of sable vs-4301800240
4301.80.02.70 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of fisher vs-4301800260
4301.80.02.75 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of racoon vs-4301800270
4301.80.02.80 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Of seal vs-4301800275