NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

US HTS CODE | Harmonized Tariff Schedule HS code & Tariffs Search Service (2025 HTS Revision 2)

HTS Code 1701132000 1701131000
Article Description Other sugar to be used for the production (other than by distillation) of polyhydric alcohols, except polyhydric alcohols for use as a substitute for sugar in human food consumption, or to be refined and re-exported in refined form or in sugar-containing products, or to be substituted for domestically produced raw cane sugar that has been or will be exported Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions
Quota of Quantity -- --
Unit of Quantity [kg] [kg]
Rates of Duty (1-General) 1.4606¢/kg less 0.020668¢/kg for each degree under 100 degrees (and fractions of a degree in proportion) but not less than 0.943854¢/kg 1.4606¢/kg less 0.020668¢/kg for each degree under 100 degrees (and fractions of a degree in proportion) but not less than 0.943854¢/kg
Rates of Duty (1-Special) Free (A*,AU,BH,CL,CO,D,E*,IL,JO,KR,MA,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG) Free (A*,BH,CL,CO,D,E*,IL,JO,KR,MA,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG) See 9822.05.15 (P+)
Rates of Duty (2-Cuba and North Korea) 4.3817¢/kg less 0.0622005¢/kg for each degree under 100 degrees (and fractions of a degree in proportion) but not less than 2.831562¢ /kg 4.3817¢/kg less 0.0622005¢ /kg for each degree under 100 degrees (and fractions of a degree in proportion) but not less 2.831562¢ /kg
Footnotes [general], See 9903.88.15. , type=endnote [general], See 9903.88.15. , type=endnote
Additional Duty -- --
Additional Duty(products of China) The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5% The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%