NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 5)

US HTS CODE | Harmonized Tariff Schedule HS code & Tariffs Search Service (2025 HTS Revision 5)

HTS Code 98201109 98191109
Article Description Apparel articles (other than socks provided for in heading 6115 of the tariff schedule) knit to shape in such a country from yarns wholly formed in the United States; knitted or crocheted apparel articles (except t-shirts, other than underwear, classifiable in subheadings 6109.10.00 and 6109.90.10 and described in subheading 9820.11.12) cut and wholly assembled in one or more such countries from fabrics formed in one or more such countries or from fabrics formed in one or more such countries and the United States, all the foregoing from yarns wholly formed in the United States (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable in heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule and are formed in one or more such countries) and subject to the provisions of U.S. note 2(b) to this subchapter Apparel articles wholly assembled in one or more such countries (except the Republic of Rwanda) from fabric wholly formed in one or more such countries from yarn originating in either the United States or one or more such countries (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable under heading 5602 or 5603 and are wholly formed and cut in one or more such countries), or from components knit-to-shape in one or more such countries from yarns originating in the United States or one or more such countries or former beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries (as defined in U.S. note 3(d) to this subchapter), or both, or apparel articles wholly formed on seamless knitting machines in such a country from yarns originating in the United States or one or more such countries or former beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries (as defined in U.S. note 3(d) to this subchapter), or both, whether or not the apparel articles are also made from any of the fabrics, fabric components formed, or components knit-to-shape described in U.S. note 2(e) to this subchapter (unless the apparel articles are made exclusively from any of the fabrics, fabric components formed, or components knit-to-shape described in such U.S. note 2(e)), subject to the provisions of U.S. note 2 to this subchapter
Quota of Quantity -- --
Unit of Quantity [] []
Rates of Duty (1-General) -- --
Rates of Duty (1-Special) Free Free
Rates of Duty (2-Cuba and North Korea) -- --
Footnotes [stat, units], marker=1, See statistical note 1 to this subchapter., type=endnote [stat, units], marker=1, See statistical note 1 to this subchapter., type=footnote
marker=2, See section 103 of Pub.L. 114.27 for subsequent amendments to expiration date., type=footnote
Additional Duty -- --
Additional Duty(products of China) -- --