NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2024 HTS Revision 9)

US HTS CODE | Harmonized Tariff Schedule HS code & Tariffs Search Service (2024 HTS Revision 9)

HTS Code 99038501 99038186
Article Description Except for products described in heading 9903.85.03 or heading 9903.85.21, 9903.85.25, subheadings 9903.85.27 through 9903.85.44 and subheadings 9903.85.50 through 9903.85.66, products of aluminum provided for in the tariff headings or subheadings enumerated in note 19 to this subchapter, except products of Argentina, of Australia, of Canada, of Mexico (except as specified in subdivision (a)(viii) of such U.S. note 19), of member countries of the European Union specified in subdivision (a)(v) of such U.S. note 19, under any limitations that may be established by the Department of Commerce under such U.S. note 19; or any exclusions that may be determined and announced by the Department of Commerce Derivative steel articles of Mexico enumerated in U.S. note 16 to this subchapter, where the steel was melted and poured in a country other than the United States, Mexico or Canada
Quota of Quantity -- --
Unit of Quantity [] []
Rates of Duty (1-General) The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 10% The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%
Rates of Duty (1-Special) The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 10% (AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,E,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX,OM,P,PA,PE,SG) --
Rates of Duty (2-Cuba and North Korea) The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 10% --
Footnotes [stat, units], marker=1, See chapter 99 statistical note 1. , type=footnote [stat, units], marker=1, See chapter 99 statistical note 1. , type=footnote
Additional Duty -- --
Additional Duty(products of China) -- --