2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
06023010.90 Seedlings of other rhododendrons and azaleas (whether or notgrafted) piece/kilogram AB P/Q --
06023090.10 Endangered wild rhododendrons and azaleas, other than seed-lings (whether or not grafted) (excluding artificial propaga-tion) piece/kilogram 80  ABE P/Q Compare-06023010.90
06023090.90 Other rhododendrons and azaleas,other than seedlings (whether or not grafted) piece/kilogram 80  AB P/Q Compare-06023090.10
06024010.10 Seedlings of endangered wild roses (whether or not grafted)(excluding artificial propagation) piece/kilogram ABE P/Q Compare-06023090.90
06024010.90 Seedlings of other roses (whether or not gratted) piece/kilogram AB P/Q Compare-06024010.10
06024090.10 Endangered wild roses, other than seedlings (whether or notgrafted) (excluding artificial propagation) piece/kilogram 80  ABE P/Q Compare-06024010.90
06024090.90 Other roses, other than seedlings (whether or not gralted) piece/kilogram 80  AB P/Q Compare-06024090.10
06029010.00 Mushroom spawn kilogram/- 0%  AB P/Q Compare-06024090.90
06029091.10 Orchid, seedlings piece/kilogram AFEB P/Q Compare-06029010.00
06029091.20 Taxaceae, seedlings piece/kilogram AFEB P/Q Compare-06029091.10
06029091.91 Other endangered plants, seedlings piece/kilogram AFEB P/Q Compare-06029091.20
06029091.99 Other live plants(including their roots)cuttings and slips, seedlings piece/kilogram AB P/Q Compare-06029091.91
06029092.00 other Orchid,other than seedlings piece/kilogram 80%  ABFE P/Q Compare-06029091.99
06029093.00 other Chrysatthemum, other than seedlings piece/kilogram 80%  AB P/Q Compare-06029092.00
06029094.10 Aloes(barbabos aloe), other than seedlings piece/kilogram 80%  ABQ P/Q Compare-06029093.00
06029094.20 Other aloes (Aloe spp.) ,other than seedings piece/kilogram 80  ABEFQ P/Q Compare-06029094.10
06029094.30 Other endangered wild lily, other than seedlings (excluding artificial propagation) piece/kilogram 80  ABE P/Q Compare-06029094.20
06029094.90 Other lily, other than seedlings piece/kilogram 80%  AB P/Q Compare-06029094.30
06029095.00 other Carnation,other than seedlings piece/kilogram 80%  AB P/Q Compare-06029094.90
06029099.10 Cycas revoluta(Sago cycas) piece/kilogram 80%  ABFE P/Q Compare-06029095.00