2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
12011000.00 Soya beans for seed kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/Q --
12019011.00 Non genetically modified yellow soybean kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12011000.00
12019019.00 Genetically modified yellow soybean kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12019011.00
12019020.00 Black soya beans, whether or not broken, other than for seed kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12019019.00
12019030.00 Green soya beans, whether or not broken, other than for seed kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12019020.00
12019090.00 Other soya beans not for seed, whether or not broken kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12019030.00
12023000.00 Ground-nuts for seed, in shell kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12019090.00
12024100.00 Other Ground-nutsnot, not roasted or otherwise cooked, in shell kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12023000.00
12024200.00 Ground-nuts, shelled, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12024100.00
12030000.00 Copra kilogram/- 30%  AB P/R/Q Compare-12024200.00
12040000.10 flax seed kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q Compare-12030000.00
12040000.90 Other types of sesame seeds (excluding seeds) kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q Compare-12040000.10
12051010.00 Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds for seed kilogram/- 80%  7AB P/N/Q Compare-12040000.90
12051090.00 Other low erucic acid rape or colza seeds ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 80%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12051010.00
12059010.00 Other rape or colza seeds for seed kilogram/- 80%  7AB P/N/Q Compare-12051090.00
12059090.00 Other rape or colza seeds,whether or not broken kilogram/- 80%  7AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12059010.00
12060010.10 Sunflower seeds for ornamental use kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12059090.00
12060010.90 Other types use sunflower seeds kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12060010.10
12060090.00 Other sunflower seeds,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12060010.90
12071010.10 Endangered palm nuts and kernels for seed, whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  ABEF P/N.Q Compare-12060090.00