2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
12071010.90 Other palm nuts and kernels for seed, whether or not broken kilogram/- AB P/N.Q --
12071090.10 Other endangered palm nuts and kernels ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  ABEF P.R/Q.S Compare-12071010.90
12071090.90 Other palm nuts and kernels ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P.R/Q.S Compare-12071090.10
12072100.00 Cotton seeds for cultivation kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12071090.90
12072900.00 Other cotton seeds,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12072100.00
12073010.00 Castor oil seeds for seed, whether or not broken kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12072900.00
12073090.00 Other castor oil seeds, whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12073010.00
12074010.00 Sesamum seeds for cultivation,whether or not broken kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12073090.00
12074090.00 Other sesamum seeds ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12074010.00
12075010.00 Mastard seeds for cultivation ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12074090.00
12075090.00 Other Mastard seeds ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q Compare-12075010.00
12076010.00 Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius)seeds for seed,whether or not broken kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12075090.00
12076090.00 Other safflower(Carthamus tinctorius)seeds, whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12076010.00
12077010.00 Melon seeds for seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/Q Compare-12076090.00
12077091.00 Black watermelon seeds kilogram/- 80%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12077010.00
12077092.00 Red watermelon seeds kilogram/- 80%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12077091.00
12077099.00 Other melon seeds, other than for seed kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-12077092.00
12079100.00 Poppy seeds ,whether or not broken kilogram/- 70%  AB P/Q Compare-12077099.00
12079910.10 Cannabis seeds kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12079100.00
12079910.20 Planting purple Su Zi kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q Compare-12079910.10