2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
15141100.00 Crude low erucic acid rape of colza oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 170%  7AB M/P/R/Q/S --
15141900.00 Other low erucic acid rape of colza oil(including its fractions, not chemicallly modified) kilogram/- 170%  7AB M/P/R/Q/S Compare-15141100.00
15149110.00 Other crude rape oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 170%  7AB M/P/R/Q/S Compare-15141900.00
15149190.00 Crude mustard oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 170%  7AB M/P/R/Q/S Compare-15149110.00
15149900.00 Other rape or mustard oil(including fractions thereof , not chemicallly modified) kilogram/- 170%  7AB M/R/S Compare-15149190.00
15151100.00 Crude linseed oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 30%  AB M/P/R/Q/S Compare-15149900.00
15151900.00 Other linseed oil and its fractions(including fractions of crude linseed oil, not chemicallly modified) kilogram/- 30%  AB R/S Compare-15151100.00
15152100.00 Crude maize(corn) oil, not chemicallly modified kilogram/- 160%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-15151900.00
15152900.00 Other maize(corn) oil and its fractions(including fractions of crude maize(corn) oil, not chemicallly modified) kilogram/- 160%  AB R/S Compare-15152100.00
15153000.00 Castor oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified kilogram/- 70%  AB M/P/Q/S Compare-15152900.00
15155000.00 Sesame oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified kilogram/- 20%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-15153000.00
15156000.00 Microbial oils, fats, and their isolates kilogram/- 70%  AB M/P/R/N/Q/S Compare-15155000.00
15159010.00 Jojoba oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-15156000.00
15159020.00 Neem oil and its fractions,whether or not refined, but not chemically modified kilogram/- 70%  ABS P/R/Q/S Compare-15159010.00
15159030.00 Tung oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-15159020.00
15159040.00 Tea seed oil and its separated products kilogram/- 70%  AB M/P/R/N/Q/S Compare-15159030.00
15159090.10 Pine nut oil, whether or not refined, but but chemically modified kilogram/- 70%  ABE P/R/Q/S Compare-15159040.00
15159090.90 Other fixed vegetable plan fats and oils and fractions thereof, (whether or not refined, but not chemically modified) kilogram/- 70%  AB M/P/R/N/Q/S Compare-15159090.10
15161000.00 Animal fats and oils and fractions thereof, partly or wholly hydrogenated, interesterified, reesterified or elaidinized, whether or not refined, but not further prepared kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/S Compare-15159090.90
15162000.00 Vegetable fats and oils and fractions thereof, partly or wholly hydrogenated, interesterified, reesterified or elaidinized, whether or not refined, but not further prepared kilogram/- 70%  AB R/S Compare-15161000.00