2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
25084000.00 Other clays kilogram/- 50%  --
25085000.00 Andalusite,kyanite and sillimanite kilogram/- 40%  Compare-25084000.00
25086000.00 Mullite kilogram/- 40%  Compare-25085000.00
25087000.00 Mortar and Dinas soil kilogram/- 20%  Compare-25086000.00
25090000.00 Chalk kilogram/- 45%  Compare-25087000.00
25101010.00 Apatite,unground kilogram/- 11%  4xy Compare-25090000.00
25101090.00 Other natural calcium phosphates,natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk(other than apatite),unground kilogram/- 20%  4xy Compare-25101010.00
25102010.00 Apatite,ground kilogram/- 11%  4xy Compare-25101090.00
25102090.00 Other natural calcium phosphates,natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk(other than apatite),ground kilogram/- 20%  4xy Compare-25102010.00
25111000.00 Natural barium sulphate(barytes) kilogram/- 45%  Compare-25102090.00
25112000.00 Natural barium carbonate(witherite),whether or not calcined,other than barium oxide of heading No.28.16 kilogram/- 45%  Compare-25111000.00
25120010.00 Kieselguhr,whether or not calcined,of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less kilogram/- 40%  A R/ Compare-25112000.00
25120090.00 Other Siliceous fossil meals and similar siliceous earths,whether or not calcined,of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less kilogram/- 40%  Compare-25120010.00
25131000.00 Pumice stone: kilogram/- 35%  Compare-25120090.00
25132000.00 Emery,natural corundum,narural garnet and other natural abrasives kilogram/- 17%  Compare-25131000.00
25140000.00 Slate,whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut,by sawing or otherwise,into blocks or slabs of a rectangular(including square)shape kilogram/- 50%  Compare-25132000.00
25151100.00 Marble,travertine,crude or roughly trimmed kilogram/- 80%  Compare-25140000.00
25151200.00 Marble,travertine,cut by sawing or otherwise,into blocks or slabs of a rectangular(including square)shape kilogram/- 80%  Compare-25151100.00
25152000.00 Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone; alabaster kilogram/- 50%  Compare-25151200.00
25161100.00 Granite,crude or roughly trimmed kilogram/- 50%  A M Compare-25152000.00