2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
26121000.00 Uranium ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  --
26122000.00 Thorium ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  4xy Compare-26121000.00
26131000.00 Molybdenum ores and concentrates, roasted kilogram/- 0%  4xy Compare-26122000.00
26139000.00 Other molybdenum ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  4xy Compare-26131000.00
26140000.00 Titanium ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26139000.00
26151000.00 Zirconium ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26140000.00
26159010.00 Hydrated Tantalum/Niobium materials or enriched materials from Tantalum/Niobium Ore kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26151000.00
26159090.00 Niobium, tantalum, vanadium ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26159010.00
26161000.00 Silver ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26159090.00
26169000.01 Gold ores kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26161000.00
26169000.09 Other precious metal ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26169000.01
26171010.00 Crude antimony(Antimony concentrates which are mineral products) kilogram/- 0%  34xy Compare-26169000.09
26171090.01 Other antimony ores and concentrates(part of the gold value) kilogram/- 0%  34xy Compare-26171010.00
26171090.90 Other antimony ores and concentrates(part of the non-gold value) kilogram/- 0%  34xy Compare-26171090.01
26179010.00 Cinnabar kilogram/- 14%  Compare-26171090.90
26179090.00 Other ores and concentrates kilogram/- 0%  Compare-26179010.00
26180010.00 Granular slag from the smelting of iron containing mainly manganese kilogram/- 35%  9 Compare-26179090.00
26180090.00 Other granulated slag(including slag sand)produced by smelting the steel kilogram/- 35%  9 Compare-26180010.00
26190000.00 Slag, floating slag, and waste produced during steel smelting kilogram/- 35%  9 Compare-26180090.00
26201100.00 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel) containing hard zinc spelter kilogram/- 35%  9 Compare-26190000.00