2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
29309090.31 4-methylthioamfetamine kilogram/- 30%  I --
29309090.32 Modafinil kilogram/- 30%  I Compare-29309090.31
29309090.41 2-chloroethyl chloromethyl sulfide, di(2-chloroethyl) sulfide (mustard gas), di(2-chloroethyl) methanesulfonate, 1,2-di(2-chloroethyl) ethane (bisulfide), 1,3-di(2-chloroethyl) n-propane, 1,4-di(2-chloroethyl) n-butane, 1,5-di(2-chloroethyl) n-pentane, di(2-chloroethyl methyl) ether kilogram/- 30%  32 Compare-29309090.32
29309090.42 Ammonium S-2-diethylamine ethyl ester, alkylated or protonated salts, alkylphosphorothioate ester S-2-dialkylamine ethyl ester (including corresponding alkylated salts, protonated salts, alkyl groups such as ethyl, propyl, isopropyl), compounds containing a phosphorus atom combined with methyl, ethyl, or propyl groups (except for copper thiophosphate) kilogram/- 30%  32 Compare-29309090.41
29309090.43 Methylthiophanate, thiophanate, phenoxyphenyl ether, diallyl disulfide, dimethomorph, diketonemorph, cotton bollworm, cypermethrin, acetamiprid, methyl parathion, dimethoate, oxamyl, chlorpyrifos, trichlorfon, clothianidin, naled, novaluron, imidacloprid, indoxacarb kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29309090.42
29309090.44 Zineb, mancozeb, mancozeb zinc, fumazine, fumazone, ammonium thion, zineb am, alachlor, sulfentrazone, methylphenazone, sulfotep, fluorobenzene sulfonamide, methiocarb, chlorothalonil, defoliant, fungicide, insecticide, thiophanate-methyl, prothioconazole, flutriafol, metconazole, metolachlor, chemical fungicide, herbicide kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29309090.43
29309090.45 Malathion, sumithion, cypermethion, prothiofos, dichlorvos, sulfoxon, isosulfoxon, propargite, field thion, tebufenozide, sulfur thion, copper thiophosphate, ethyl thion, propyl thion, methyl ethyl thiophosphate, carbamate, thiophosphate, oxamyl, methiocarb, chloramphenicol, fruit fly phosphorus, aphid extermination, sulfur thion kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29309090.44
29309090.46 Sulfuron, Methyl sulfonate, Fenbutatin oxide, pesticides, insecticides kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29309090.45
29309090.68 Penicillamine kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29309090.46
29309090.69 Rare disease drug raw material (penicillamine) kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29309090.68
29309090.91 DL - hydroxy methionine kilogram/- 30%  A M.P/ Compare-29309090.69
29309090.92 Bicalutamide, mesna, sulindac and other anti-cancer drugs kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29309090.91
29309090.93 Perfluorooctylsulfonic acid and its salts and related compounds kilogram/- 30  89 Compare-29309090.92
29309090.94 Salts and related compounds of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA class) kilogram/- 30  X Compare-29309090.93
29309090.95 Anti cancer drug raw material (bicalutamide) kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29309090.94
29309090.99 Other organic sulfur compounds kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29309090.95
29311000.00 Tetramethyl lead and tetraethyl lead kilogram/- 30%  ABX M/N Compare-29309090.99
29312000.00 Tributyltin compounds kilogram/- 30%  X Compare-29311000.00
29314100.00 Dimethyl methylphosphonate kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29312000.00
29314200.00 Dimethyl propyl phosphonic acid kilogram/- 30%  AB M/R/N/S Compare-29314100.00