2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
29381000.00 Rutoside(rutin)and its derivatives kilogram/- 20%  Q --
29389010.00 Zidovudine,lamivudine,stavudine,didanosine and their salts kilogram/- 20%  Compare-29381000.00
29389090.10 Glycyrrhizinic acid powder kilogram/- 20%  y4x Compare-29389010.00
29389090.20 Salts of glycyrrhizinate acid kilogram/- 20%  4Axy R/ Compare-29389090.10
29389090.30 Glycyrrhetic acid and its derivatives kilogram/- 20%  y4x Compare-29389090.20
29389090.40 Other glycyrrhizic acid kilogram/- 20%  4 Compare-29389090.30
29389090.90 Other glycosides,natural or reproduced by synthesis,and their salts,ethers,esters and other derivatives kilogram/- 20%  Compare-29389090.40
29391100.11 Concentrates of poppy straw kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29389090.90
29391100.12 Codeine,dihydrocodeine(INN),ethylmorphine (and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.11
29391100.13 Etorphine(INN),heroin,hydrocodone(INN)(and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.12
29391100.14 Hydromorphone(INN),morphine,nicomorphine(INN)(and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.13
29391100.15 Oxycodone(INN),oxymorphone(INN)pholcodine(INN)(and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.14
29391100.16 Thebacon(INN)and thebaine (and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.15
29391100.20 Buprenorphine and its salts kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.16
29391900.10 Dihydroetorphine and its salts kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391100.20
29391900.21 Benzylmorphine,codoxime,desomorphine,acetorphine (and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391900.10
29391900.22 Dihydromorphine,hydromorphinol,methyldesorphine,methyldihydromorphine (and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391900.21
29391900.23 Metopon,morphine-N-oxide,myrophine normorphine (and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391900.22
29391900.24 Acetyldihydrocodeine,nicocodine,nicodicodine,norcodene (and their salts) kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391900.23
29391900.25 Morphine methobromide and its salts kilogram/- 50%  I Compare-29391900.24