2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
37024221.00 Wide anticorrosive photographic plate for printed circuit processing kilogram/square meter 110yuan/㎡  --
37024229.00 Other film, without perforations, for preparing printing plates or cylinders, of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length exceeding 200m kilogram/square meter 110yuan/㎡  Compare-37024221.00
37024292.01 Unexposed red or infra-red laser film, of a width exceeding 800mm, of a length exceeding 1000m kilogram/square meter 213yuan/㎡  Compare-37024229.00
37024292.90 Other unexposed red or infra-red laser film(610mm<of a width≤800mm, 200m<of a length≤1000m) kilogram/square meter 213yuan/㎡  Compare-37024292.01
37024299.00 Other film, without perforations, unexposed, of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length exceeding 200m[not for colour photography(polychrome)] kilogram/square meter 213yuan/㎡  Compare-37024292.90
37024321.00 Laser phototypesetting film(of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length not exceeding 200m) kilogram/square meter Compare-37024299.00
37024329.00 Other film, without perforations, unexposed, for preparing printing plates or cylinders, of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length not exceeding 200m kilogram/square meter 104yuan/㎡  Compare-37024321.00
37024390.00 Other film, without perforations, munexposed, of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length not exceeding 200m kilogram/square meter 202yuan/㎡  Compare-37024329.00
37024421.00 Laser phototypesetting film, unexposed(of a width exceeding105mm and not exceeding 610mm) kilogram/square meter 115yuan/㎡  Compare-37024390.00
37024422.00 Narrow anticorrosive photographic plate for printed circuit processing(of a width exceeding105mm and not exceeding 610mm) kilogram/square meter 115yuan/㎡  Compare-37024421.00
37024429.00 Other film, without perforations, unexposed, for preparing printing plates or cylinders(of a width exceeding105mm and not exceeding 610mm) kilogram/square meter 115yuan/㎡  Compare-37024422.00
37024490.00 Other film, without perforations, unexposed(of a width exceeding105mm and not exceeding 610mm) kilogram/square meter 202yuan/㎡  Compare-37024429.00
37025200.00 Other film for colour photography(polychrome), unexposed, of a width not exceeding 16mm kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡  Compare-37024490.00
37025300.00 Other film for colour photography(polychrome), unexposed, of a width exceeding 16mm but not exceeding 35mm and of a length not exceeding 30m, for slides kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡  Compare-37025200.00
37025410.00 Other film for colour photography(polychrome), of a width 35mm and of a length not exceeding 2m, not for slides kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡  Compare-37025300.00
37025490.00 Other film for colour photography(polychrome), of a width exceeding 16mm but not exceeding 35mm and of a length not exceeding 30m, not for slides kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡  Compare-37025410.00
37025520.00 Cinematographic film, unexposed, of a width exceeding 16mm but not exceeding 35mm and of a length exceeding 30m kilogram/square meter 232yuan/㎡  Compare-37025490.00
37025590.00 Other film, unexposed, of a width exceeding 16mm but not exceeding 35mm and of a length exceeding 30m kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡  Compare-37025520.00
37025620.00 Cinematographic film, unexposed, of a width exceeding 35mm kilogram/square meter 232yuan/㎡  Compare-37025590.00
37025690.00 Other film, unexposed, of a width exceeding 35mm kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡  Compare-37025620.00