2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
38221100.10 Malaria diagnostic kit kilogram/- 20%  AB P/V/Q/W --
38221100.90 Diagnostic or experimental reagents attached to the backing for other malaria cases, as well as diagnostic or experimental preparation reagents, whether or not attached to the backing, whether or not they are in the form of test kits, except for goods under heading 30.06 kilogram/- 20%  AB P/V/Q/W Compare-38221100.10
38221200.00 Diagnostic or experimental reagents attached to liners for Zika virus and other diseases transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and diagnostic or experimental formulations, whether or not attached to liners, whether or not in the form of test kits, except for goods under heading 30.06 kilogram/- 26%  AB P/V/Q/W Compare-38221100.90
38221300.00 Diagnostic or experimental reagents attached to the backing for blood type identification, and diagnostic or experimental preparation reagents, whether or not attached to the backing, whether or not in the form of test kits, except for goods under heading 30.06 kilogram/- 20%  AB V/W Compare-38221200.00
38221900.10 Veterinary diagnostic products (diagnostic kits and test strips for diagnosing Class I, II, and III animal diseases) kilogram/- 26%  ABR P/V/Q/W Compare-38221300.00
38221900.20 Novel coronavirus detection kit kilogram/- 26%  AB P/V/Q/W Compare-38221900.10
38221900.30 Horseshoe crab reagent kilogram/- 26%  AB Compare-38221900.20
38221900.90 Other diagnostic or experimental reagents attached to the backing and diagnostic or experimental preparation reagents, whether or not attached to the backing, whether or not in the form of test kits, except for goods under heading 30.06 kilogram/- 26%  AB V/W Compare-38221900.30
38229000.00 Certified standard samples kilogram/- 35%  AB V/W Compare-38221900.90
38231100.00 Stearic acid kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38229000.00
38231200.00 Oleic acid kilogram/- 50%  A R Compare-38231100.00
38231300.00 Tall oil fatty acids kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231200.00
38231900.01 Plant acid oil (refers to the refined acid oil only) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231300.00
38231900.02 Deodorizing distillate of vegetable oil (DD oil) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231900.01
38231900.90 Other monocarboxylic fatty acids for industrial use and acid oil (refers to the refined acid oil only) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231900.02
38237000.00 Industrial fatty alcohols kilogram/- 50%  Compare-38231900.90
38241000.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores kilogram/- 35%  Compare-38237000.00
38243000.10 Non-agglomerated metal carbides, mixed together or with metallic binders kilogram/- 35%  4xy Compare-38241000.00
38243000.90 Other non-agglomerated metal carbides, containing mixed together or with metallic binders kilogram/- 35%  Compare-38243000.10
38244010.00 High efficiency water reducing agent kilogram/- 35%  Compare-38243000.90