2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
39081011.90 Modified polyamide -6,6 slices (by adding glass fiber, minerals, toughening agents, flame retardants via screw-secondary mixing) kilogram/- 45%  --
39081012.00 Polymide-6 slices (Nylon -6 slice) kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39081011.90
39081019.00 polyamide slices or chips, etc. (including polyamide -11;-12; -6, 9; -6, 10;-6,12 slices) kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39081012.00
39081090.00 Other polyamide-6, 6, -6, -6, 9, 6, 10, -6, 12, -11, -12, in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39081019.00
39089010.00 Aromatic polyamide and its copolymer in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39081090.00
39089020.00 Semi aromatic polyamide and its copolymer in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39089010.00
39089090.00 Other polyamides in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39089020.00
39091000.00 Urea resins; thiourea resins, in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39089090.00
39092000.00 Melamine resins, in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39091000.00
39093100.00 Pol(y methylene phenyl isocyanate)(polymeric MDI or crude MDI) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-39092000.00
39093900.00 Other amino-resins, in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  AB M/N Compare-39093100.00
39094000.00 Phenolic resins, in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  AB M/N Compare-39093900.00
39095000.00 Polyurethanes, in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  AB M/N Compare-39094000.00
39100000.00 Silicones in primary forms kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39095000.00
39111000.00 Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39100000.00
39112000.00 Primary shaped poly (1,3-phenylmethylphosphonate) kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39111000.00
39119000.01 Prepoly condensate of aromatic acid and aromatic amide kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39112000.00
39119000.03 Prepoly condensate of modified trihydroxy acetate polyphenylene sulfide kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39119000.01
39119000.04 Polyphenylene sulfide kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39119000.03
39119000.05 Prepoly condensate of trimelltic anhydride and isocyanic acid kilogram/- 45%  Compare-39119000.04