2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
44121094.10 At least one layer in the middle is made of other tropical wood,other endangered wild (excluding artificially cultivated) bamboo plywood and similar multilayer boards kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABEF M.P/Q --
44121094.90 At least one layer in the middle is made of other tropical wood,other bamboo plywood and similar multilayer boards kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44121094.10
44121095.10 Bamboo plywood and similar multilayer boards containing at least one layer of wood chipboard in the middle,other endangered wild (excluding artificially cultivated) bamboo plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABEF M.P/Q Compare-44121094.90
44121095.90 Other bamboo plywood and similar multilayer boards with at least one layer of wood particleboard in the middle kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44121095.10
44121099.10 Other laminated wood of endangered bamboo kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABE M.P/Q Compare-44121095.90
44121099.90 Other laminated wood of bamboo kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44121099.10
44123100.10 Plywood,with at least one outer ply of Acajoud'affrique,each ply not exceeding 6mm thicdness kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABFE M.P/Q Compare-44121099.90
44123100.20 Plywood,with at least one outer ply of Ramin wood ,each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABFE M.P/Q Compare-44123100.10
44123100.30 Plywood,with at least one outer ply of tropical wood,each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABFE M.P/Q Compare-44123100.20
44123100.90 Plywood,with at least one outer ply of other tropical wood(specified in subheading Note 2 of this chapter),each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44123100.30
44123300.10 At least one of the following non-coniferous species is endangered: ash,beech wood (beech),birch,cherry,elm,basswood,maple and tulip wood veneer plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABFE M.P/Q Compare-44123100.90
44123300.90 At least one of the following non-coniferous woods is alder: ash,ash,beech wood,birch,cherry,chestnut,elm,eucalyptus,hickory,horse chestnut,basswood,maple,Wood (oak),Platanus,poplar,acacia,tulipwood or walnut veneer plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44123300.10
44123410.10 At least one surface layer is endangered temperate non-coniferous wood veneer plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABEF M.P/Q Compare-44123300.90
44123410.90 At least one surface layer is other temperate non-coniferous wood veneer plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44123410.10
44123490.10 At least one surface layer is endangered by other non-coniferous plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABEF M.P/Q Compare-44123410.90
44123490.90 At least one surface is other non-conifer plywood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44123490.10
44123900.10 Plywood consisting solely of sheets of endangered wood,each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness (other than of bamboo) kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABFE M.P/Q Compare-44123490.90
44123900.90 Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood,each ply notexceeding 6mm thickness (other than of bamboo) kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44123900.10
44124100.10 Laminated veneer wood with at least one surface layer of endangered tropical wood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  ABFE M.P/Q Compare-44123900.90
44124100.90 Other veneer laminated timber with at least one surface layer of tropical wood kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44124100.10