2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
54079100.00 Other blends of unbleached or bleached synthetic filament yarn woven fabrics meter/kilogram 130%  --
54079200.00 Dyed other blended synthetic filament yarn woven fabrics meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54079100.00
54079300.00 Dyed other blended synthetic filament yarn woven fabrics meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54079200.00
54079400.00 Other blends of synthetic filament yarn woven fabrics meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54079300.00
54081000.00 Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54079400.00
54082110.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of viscose rayon,unbleached or bleached,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54081000.00
54082120.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of cellulose acetate,unbleached or bleached,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082110.00
54082190.00 Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn,unbleached or bleached,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082120.00
54082210.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of viscose rayon,dyed,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082190.00
54082220.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of cellulose acetate,dyed,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082210.00
54082290.00 Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn,dyed,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082220.00
54082310.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of viscose rayon,of different colors,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082290.00
54082320.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of cellulose acetate,of different colors,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082310.00
54082390.00 Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn,of different colors,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082320.00
54082410.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of viscose rayon,printed,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082390.00
54082420.00 Woven fabrics of yarns of cellulose acetate,printed,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082410.00
54082490.00 Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn,printed,containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082420.00
54083100.00 Unbleached or bleached rayon other blended fabric meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54082490.00
54083200.00 Dyed man-made filaments Other woven fabrics meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54083100.00
54083300.00 Dyed man-made filaments Other woven fabrics meter/kilogram 130%  Compare-54083200.00